Contributing to a more sustainable future with you!
We are committed to find solutions to reduce emissions and to support our communities along the way.
Our goal is to offset 100,000 tons of carbon by investing in carbon reduction projects around the world to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. The projects we support are acreddited to help protect & restore the environnement through an auditing process.
What does 100,000 tons of carbon means? That’s like…
- Consuming 11,252,391 gallons of gasoline
- Recycling 4,328,564 trash bags of waste
- Powering 19,457 homes’ electricity use for one year
Together, let’s offset 100,000 tons of carbon.
What is Carbon Offsetting?
Carbon Offsetting is the action or process of compensating for carbon dioxide emissions arising from industrial or other human activity, by participating in programs designed to make equivalent reductions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Why is Circle K participating in carbon offset programs?
We have made a global commitment to reduce our Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) from our fuel offer by 12% from 2020 to 2025. In addition to expanding our offering of renewable fuels and building our electric vehicle charging networks, we see carbon offset programs as another way to fulfill our commitment and enable a low carbon future.
Do customers have to a make a purchase to participate?
No purchase required
Where will Circle K be purchasing the carbon offsets, and will they be accredited?
We aim to purchase offsets within North America and around the world. The projects we support will be accredited to help protect and restore the environment through an auditing process. Projects will be identified and published during the year.
What is your goal for this carbon program?
Through this program, our initial goal is to offset 100,000 tons of carbon, which is the equivalent of growing 118,344 acres of forests in the U.S.
Who is participating in this initiative and when?
All Circle K Fuel branded stores in the Great Lakes and Grand Canyon business units, which will begin September 7, 2022 and will run for 6 – 12 months.
What are some examples of potential carbon offset projects?
Forestry: Tree planting projects restore areas facing deforestation. Trees absorb and hold carbon. Without them, that carbon would be in the atmosphere, making global warming worse.
Agriculture: Farmers grow crops using technology and techniques to maximize resources and reduce waste when growing crops.
Renewable energy: These projects replace fossil fuel use with clean, renewable energy, such as that generated from a wind farm.
Water management: Projects get clean water to areas with polluted or otherwise contaminated water so that they can reduce the need to chemically treat or boil water.
Waste management: Projects capture the methane generated in landfills from waste disposal.
Carbon sequestration: Projects use carbon capture and storage to put carbon in places where it's unlikely to be released back into the atmosphere. They take carbon out of the air and store it in soil, in swamps, in trees and even in rock.
Energy efficiency: Projects aim to improve the efficiency of existing infrastructure by upgrading building insulation, for instance.