
Please select your area of interest to help us route your feedback to the correct department. If your comment or question involves a specific store, please provide that information as well.

Include street address, or intersection if your inquiry relates to a specific store. You may use the “Find a Store” feature to locate the exact address to include in your comments.

We appreciate your interest in Circle K and our website. To contact our regional offices by phone or mail:

West Coast Division
255 E. RINCON SUITE #119 CORONA, CA 92879
TEXT “CARE” 25050

Hours of operation 8AM-5PM PST (2nd Sunday in March to 1st Sunday in November)
Hours of operation 8AM-5PM MST (2nd Sunday in November to 1St Sunday in March)
Region covers: CA, WA, OR, HI

NOTICE: Due to the large volume of email we receive, we are not able to respond to each. Your comments are greatly appreciated, however, and they will help us improve the quality of service we are able to provide.