Estimate your fuel savings today with the Circle K Fleet Savings Calculator
Join countless businesses that save thousands yearly by partnering with Circle K for easy business fuel card solutions.
With everyday savings starting at 5¢ per gallon, the more you fuel with Circle K, the more you will save. Unlock significant savings and streamline fleet management with a Circle K Pro Fleet Card.
Calculate your savings with Circle K
Fill out the form and hit "Calculate Your Fleet Savings" to get personalized savings insights delivered directly to your inbox.
The savings expressed in this online calculator are provided for illustrative purposes only, and the information obtained by using the online calculator is not, and should not be taken as legal, business or financial advice to any person or company. Results may vary depending on the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the information you provide while using the online calculator. The information and saving statements are intended to provide general information and do not reflect any recommendation or guarantee of savings. All programs described and mentioned in this application are subject to availability and qualifications, and other terms, conditions and exclusions apply. The Circle K Fleet Savings Calculator is designed using industry averages to determine estimated potential savings for your fleet. This calculator assumes that there is not a managed fuel program currently in place. Circle K Stores Inc., accepts no liability whatsoever for any losses or liabilities allegedly arising from the use of the online calculator by any person or company.